Sherwood, John. AMBUSH FOR ANATOL. (n; II). Garden City: Doubleday, 1952. Sherwood, John. MR. BLESSINGTON'S IMPERIALIST PLOT. ̧(n; II). Garden
City: Doubleday, 1951.
*Sidgwick, Ethel. A LADY OF LEISURE. (n; I). Boston: Small, Maynard, 1914. *Sidney, Philip. THE COUNTELL OF PEMBROKE'S ARCADIA. (n; II). Cambridge, England: University Press, 1912.
Sklar, George. PROMISING YOUNG MEN. (n; III). New York; Crown, 1951. Reprint: Signet 924.
Sloane, Ross. GREAT LOVER. (n; ?). New York: Godwin, 1934.
Smith, Betty. TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER. (a; III). New York Rinehart, 1948. Reprint: Dell D104.
Smollett, Tobias. THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM. (n; II). London: 1748, and numerous reprints, including Everyman 790.
Soldati, Mario. THE CONFESSION. (n; II). New York: Knopf, 1958.
Spender, Stephen. THE BURNING CACTUS (ss; III) and BY THE LAKE (ss; I) (both in "The Burning Cactus"). New York: Random House, 1946. Reprint: "The Burning Cactus" only in Cory's "21 Variations on a Theme." Spender, Stephen. WORLD WITHIN A WORLD. (autobiog.). New York: HarcourtBrace, 1951.
Stacton, David. REMEMBER ME. (fict. biog. of Ludwig II of Bavaria: IV). London: Faber and Faber, 1957.
*Stafford, Jean. BOSTON ADVENTURE. (n; II). New York: Harcourt, 1944. Stapledon, Olaf. ODD JOHN. (n; II). New York: Dutton, 1936. Reprints: in "To the End of Time" New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1953, and in "Viking Portable Novel of Science Fiction.", Viking 1954.
Statius, Publius P. THE TRESSES OF FLAVIUS EARINUS (ss, in "Silvae"; III).
*Stein, Gertrude. THINGS AS THEY ARE. (n; III). Pawlett, Vt.: Banyan Press, 1950.
Steinbeck, John. SWEET THURSDAY. (n; II). New York: Viking, 1954. Reprint: Bantam A1412.
**Stern, James. TRAVELLERS' TEARS. (ss in "Something Wrong"; IV). London: Secker and Warburg, 1938. Reprint: in "The Man Who Was Loved", New York: Harcourt-Brace, 1951.
Stern, Jill. NOT IN OUR STARS. (n; III). New York: McKay, 1957. Reprint: as "Nine Miles to Reno? Signet S1570.
Stevenson, Edward I. Prime (see also, Mayne, Xavier). LEFT TO THEMSELVE (n; I). New York: Hunt and Eaton, and Cincinatti: Cranston and Stowe, 1891. Stevenson, Edward I. Prime (see also, Mayne, Xavier). WEED AND FLOWERS and AQUEAE MULTAE NON (ss in "Her Enemy, Some Friends and Other Personages: Stories and Studies Mostly of Human Hearts"; both I). Florence, Italy: 1913.
attachine REVIEW
Stevenson, Edward I. Prime (see also, Mayne, Xavier). WHITE COCKADES.
(n; I). New York: Scribner's; 1887.
Stewart, Desmond. LEOPARD IN THE GRASS. (n; III). New York: Farrar-Strauss, *1952. Reprint: Signet 997.
Stewart, Desmond. THE UNSUITABLE ENGLISHMAN. (n; II). New York: FarrarStrauss, 1954. Reprint: As "A Stranger in Eden'" Signet 1357.
Stites, Lord (Donald Fairchild). INTIMATE ACROBATICS. (n; II). New York: McBride, 1927.
Stokes, Leslie and Sewell. OSCAR WILDE. (d; IV). New York: Random, 1938. Stone, Grace Zaring (Ethel Vance). THE GROTTO. (n; IV). New York: Harper, 1951.
Stout, Rex. FOREST FIRE. (a; IV). New York: Farrar-Rinehart, 1933. Reprint: Grosset and Dunlap. (date ?).
Stratton, A.M.P. LORD LOVE US. (n; III). New York: Scribner's, 1948. Strato. THE BOYISH MUSE. (p in "The Greek Anthology"; IV). London: Heinemann, 1918. Reprints: New York: Putnam, 1918, 1926, 1939, 2nd Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press, 1948.
*Strindberg, August. THE CONFESSION OF A FOOL. (n; IV). New York, Viking, 1925.
(To be continued)
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